- A large comfortable handle with a curved, toothed-end reaches dirt deep between the gears, and tough nylon bristles clean the derailleur and chain.
- Saves wear and tear on your chain and freewheel.
- Works great on brakes or other places where dirt collects. 10 speed compatible.
- Handy size to take along for quick cleaning anywhere.
- Made of sturdy nylon.
cesar fernandez igea –
Great tool for cleaning cogs on a bike
cesar fernandez igea –
Jill Gannon –
Jill Gannon –
gianni –
Das Produkt erfüllt seinen Zweck und holt aus den schwer zugänglichen Stellen zwischen der Einzelritzeln den Dreck recht gut heraus. Zuvor habe ich das immer mit in Streifen gerissenen alten Lappen erledigt. Dagegen ist die Bürste und, besonders bei alten, zumeist häufiger vernachlässigten- und deshalb stärker versifften Alltagsrädern, der gegenüberliegende “Kratzer”, wirklich ein Fortschritt, besonders vom zeitlichen Aufwand her betrachtet. Wunder kann man freilich nicht erwarten, die Reinigung bleibt eine recht schmutzige Angelegenheit- je nach ihrer Frequenz mal mehr, mal weniger.
Ausfrasungserscheinungen der Bürste, wie in anderen Rezensionen beschrieben, kann ich nach zweimaligem Gebrauch noch nicht feststellen, allerdings waren bei mir bisher auch nur 7- und 8-fach Kassetten zu reinigen. Mit dem Kratzer vorarbeiten und dann nur kurz bürsten erwies sich hier als vorteilhaft (und eventuell auch bürstenschonend?).
Mag sein, dass es auf noch engeren 9- und 10-fach Kassetten anders ausschaut. Trotzdem von mir – bisher jedenfalls – eine Kaufempfehlung!
gianni –
Matt –
This brush is an excellent tool to keep your drivetrain clean. The quality bristles allow for superb cleaning of the derailleur and chain. The curved shape of the brush enables you to effortlessly clean tough to reach areas. The handle is sort of a pick shape that I find perfect for removing grim from the cassette. A tool like this sells for much more at many bike shops.
Matt –
Heather Prokup –
The hooked end pulls any debris out from the cassette cogs and the brush end finishes the job.
Heather Prokup –
DBDerb –
Recommended by others as a great tool to clear the bike of mud, it absolutely was. Now it’s clean and ready to live it’s regular life of just keeping my drive train clean.
DBDerb –
Amazon Customer –
Ok, it’s from Park Tool- so you’re going to pay a little more than some other brand.
Great brush for cleaning your drive train ( chains, cassette, gear rings) I suppose you could use it on your wheels, but I think Park has a brush for that
Great alternative if you don’t want to buy a full brush set for one brush or ( as in my case) have to replace one.
Amazon Customer –
Jeff C. –
Limpia bien los piñones de la bici aunque en Ena piñonera de 12v. Va un poco estrecho pero se puede limpiar. La calidad está bastante bien. Lleva conmigo más de dos años y sigue haciendo su funcion
Jeff C. –
Jeff C. –
Parfait pour nettoyer la cassette ou le pédalier
Jeff C. –
Lamarche François –
Spazzolina utilissima per pulire la trasmissione. Le setole dure e lunghe entrano bene fra un pignone e l’altro. Poi con il manico si riesce a passare un pezzo di carta fra i pignoni e fra le corone per asportare completamente lo sporco rimosso con le setole. Considerato anche che costa pochi euro lo consiglio alla grande!!!
Lamarche François –
Squeaky Dino –
I use the pointed teeth on the handle to clean the built-up chain lube and dirt from my bicycle’s rear cassette. The brush body is thin enough to fit well between the sprockets yet the sawtooth points quickly remove nearly solid crud. The the bristles are sturdy and effective and work well with or without liquid degreaser.
Don’t forget to work over a rag or disposable sheeting, so when you are finished you can dispose of the very black, sticky and probably toxic bits that come off the cassette if you use Tri-Flow as your chain lube. You definitely don’t want to be tracking them around on the soles of your shoes.
I can’t rate “sheerness.” What does it mean for a tool to be “sheer”?
Squeaky Dino –
Jill Gannon –
This helped clean and refresh my son’s bike. Great price!
Jill Gannon –
Greg –
This tool works amazing. I used it to clean my MTB which was horribly dirty. Within a few mins this made all the gears look like new. Great tool makes cleaning any bike much easier and if you enjoy cleaning your bike like i do, actually more enjoyable. Now I only gave it 4 stars because once you use it multiple times keeping the tool clean actually becomes a challenge, and the effectiveness of the tools is diminished. Other than that great tool will buy many more in the future.
Greg –