- Frame-mounted for heavier top and side loads
- Quick-release bag mounting system
- Adjustable to fit most 26–29 inch bicycle frames can carry upto 25 kg (55 lb)
- Durable, lightweight aluminum 760g
- Allow to use IBERA Trunk bags (IB-BA11, IB-BA14, IB-BA15, IB-BA22) and most universal strap-attached panniers
Bike Cargo Racks
Ibera Bike Rack – Bicycle Touring Carrier Plus+ for Disc Brake/Non-Disc Brake Mount, Fat Tire Bikes, Frame-Mounted for Heavier Top & Side Loads, Height Adjustable for 26″-29″…
Sandra Dyl –
This review will be for 3 items that were purchased to work together, and I will post it as a review for each individual item. Photos show the bags all the way opened and all the way closed in all configurations.
Ibera IB-RA5 Touring Carrier + for disc brakes
Ibera IB-BA14 Expandable Commuter Trunk Bag
Ibera IB-BA9 Panniers
My husband and I bike a lot, and we camp for many weeks during the summer. The bikes always go to the campgrounds with us. We often use them to ride to the beach, other park attractions, or to the store to pick up a few items. I was getting tired of using plastic shopping bags hung over my arm to carry things to the beach or home from the store, and I often wished we had a way to carry snacks or cold drinks with us. Besides, carrying those swinging plastic bags never made me feel very safe. We also usually have our dog along with us on a break-away leash, and we carry our back-pack style folding chairs with us. It is quite a load, and we needed to be able to take it all safely.
This rack and the bag/panniers will be the answer!
The rack was easy to install on my 26” bike, and we like it so much that we might get the same rack for my husband’s 29” bike. Since it is adjustable, we are hoping it will fit his bike, too! We bought this particular rack, because it was compatible with the bags we wanted to purchase. It provides a nice frame to add accessories to the bike, and, with a little jury rigging, it even accommodated the attachment needed for my existing clip-on red tail light. The tail light is ever more visible on the frame than it was when attacked to the bike itself.
We are always looking for flexibility that will allow us to use things in multiple configurations as we need them, and these bags fit that bill! We can use any one of them, two of them or all 3 as long as the bike stays in balance.
The panniers are roomy, and there is stiffening for the bottom and sides that either folds or removes to allow the bags to be flattened to take up less room for storage. They will carry our beach towels, other paraphernalia, or a few groceries with ease! Couldn’t be happier with the size! The large pocket in the main compartment has a pull tie to close the inside bag down before closing the top over it, and the straps that hold the top down are adjustable. In addition to the main compartment, there is a smaller pocket on the outside at the top. These panniers will be perfect for beach towels, water floats or a few groceries, and the top pocket will help keep smaller things like books separate and within easy reach. The panniers come with a handle to carry them when off the bike and a nylon rain cover. Great idea!
The Expandable Commuter Trunk Bag lives up to its name! The main compartment can expand at the rear to be about 2 inches taller. It has a solid bottom and foam stiffening that would also act a bit like insulation. This main compartment is perfect for taking along some water bottles, snacks or some lunch – or anything else that will fit. There is a smaller top compartment both inside and outside of the bag to help keep smaller items from getting jumbled in the main compartment, and there is a bungee cord on top to keep items like a jacket or (leakproof) water bottle within easy reach. There is another small pocket at the back of the bag for keys or a wallet. The side pockets can be used as they are or unzipped to expand into a longer inner bag that are like small panniers. The bag also comes with a shoulder strap making it easy to take it along when it is off the bike. The one thing I wish it had is a rain cover. Ibera makes one for this model, but we have not been able to find anyone who sells it.
The pannier-like side bags of the Commuter Trunk Bag can be used with the regular Pannier bag, although they will lay on the top of the panniers on an angle. I don’t anticipate using the side bags on the Commuter Trunk Bag as pannier extensions when the Panniers are also on the bike anyway, because it would be a bit of overkill, but the pannier extensions will be great when I need a bit longer space but not enough to put on the panniers.
These bags are really flexible, and they will let us use just the bags we need while accommodating every use we can think of.
As for the quick release feature on all of the bags – OMG! These bags go on and take off within seconds! So easy! We will see whether or not they come off too easily after we have used them for a while, but for now we love the idea and the design!
The one drawback? I am at the shortest safe height to use a 26” bike, and the trunk bag will make it harder for me to swing my leg over onto the bike. I can do it by tilting the bike to the side quite a bit, but I won’t be able to bail off quickly. Shorter riders beware! You might need to try this bag on your bike to see whether or not you will be able to get on or off. The panniers are not problem for getting on or off.
Sandra Dyl –
Luis –
Nice rack, light, looks good. I didn’t realize you could get sick attachments which are pricey but I really like this rack. Sturdy, no rattle, easy install, awesome
Luis –
Abdiel –
I installed this on my gravel bike to give me a little extra carrying capacity around town and in the woods. Its a great rack that is very sturdy with a nice powder coated finish that should be durable over time. There are lots of lashing points. The rack is designed to be wide at the bottom and flare out from your frame to allow clearance from your disc brake rotors, and for this it works great. Attaching it takes a little trial and error to find the right way to attach the front to the bolt stays for your particular bike, but once you get it figured out, its on there nice and sturdy. I even use it to get pizza from the nearby pizza place and through the trails in the woods to my house, with a good set of bungee straps, nothing is falling off.
Abdiel –
Paul F. –
The rack was easy to install and has handled everything I’ve thrown at it. Grocery shopping is my common use case currently.
I think the most I’ve loaded at any given point in time is ~45 lbs; Either on the sides, via 20 liter buckets, or 30 liter tote panniers, and on the top as either large 20lb bags or a bunch of stuff in a strapped down InstaCrate. I’m sure it can handle more weight, I just haven’t done so yet.
I once carried a heavy pannier on one side of the rack only, bike handling changed at low speed but the rack itself was stable and did not bend itself or the frame. The bike once tipped over with a heavy top load due to a low quality kickstand, the rack and bike frame remained stable and unbent.
The rack has been good to me and I’m happy with what I’ve been able to store on it. Definitely a good value considering what other racks with similar features cost. I especially like the side mounting bars that allow me to mount and unmount panniers while keeping the top of the rack completely free for other cargo. This feature is the main reason why I purchased the rack. If this is also important to you then you will most likely also buy this rack.
The only minor negative remarks I have are that the black finish is very easily scratched off; I imagine I will spray paint this rack after several years of use.
The rear potion of the rack bends upward instead of being level or bending downward. This prevents my 21in long crate from being strapped down completely level. I understand this feature is to accommodate the pakrak system, and this feature hasn’t prevented me from using the crate so far. I just wish it were adjustable some how. Definitely not a deal breaker though. I plan on making some wooden base that I can easily install and uninstall for when I do and don’t need the InstaCrate.
Paul F. –
S. Dot –
Oggetto ricevuto in anticipo sui tempi indicati. Bellissimo portapacchi di ottima fattura. Robusto ma leggero, permette l’installazione di tre capienti borse da viaggio supportando sino a 25 kg di peso. Installabile in biciclette da 26″ / 29″, prive di ammortizzazione posteriore e dotate di freno a disco (c’è anche il modello per freni normali). Purtroppo mi sono illuso di poterlo adattare alla mia bici reclinata ma, una volta ricevuto, mi sono reso conto che non sarebbe venuto un buon lavoro e che la necessaria robustezza per il carico di borse da viaggio non sarebbe stata sufficientemente garantita.
parto il 31 agosto.
Dopo un anno sono tornato sui miei passi e l’ho ordinato di nuovo. Devo partire per un viaggio in bici con un amico e questa volta la bici non è la reclinata bensì una Mountain Bike front (ammortizzata solo anteriormente). Nel fare l’ordine mi sono però reso conto che la mia bici non era dotata delle filettature per bloccare anteriormente il portabagagli per cui ho chiesto informazioni, sulla relativa pagina Amazon, se ci fossero stati in dotazione dei collarini per supplire al problema. Le risposte sono state negative. Ormai l’ordine era fatto e, tutto sommato, la soluzione al problema non mi sembrava così complicata.
Una volta arrivato l’ordine ho provato a montare il portapacchi per vedere come fare per ovviare al problema. Con neanche un euro ho comprato alla ferramenta due collarini reggi tubo, li ho ricoperti con due pezzetti di guaina termorestringente per non rovinare la vernice della bici una volta montati, due bulloncini con relativi dadi e rondelle ed il gioco è fatto: stabilissimo! Poi ho voluto strafare ed ho aggiunto uno di quei parafanghetti di plastica flessibile che si assicurano con le fascette e l’ho piazzato sotto il portapacchi per far si che polvere ed acqua non sporchino la borsa che sta sopra. Perfetto!
Ora sono pronto per affrontare il Coast to Coast Ancona – Orbetello
Consigliatissimo a chi vuole attrezzare per i viaggi la propria bici normale, da strada o mtb, dotata di freni a disco e che sia priva dell’ammortizzatore posteriore.
S. Dot –
Sandra Dyl –
Purchased for a LARGE Yamaha CrossCore RC electric bike with disc brakes. Installs easily if you are mechanically inclined. Looks great. Very high build quality. Buy this ONLY if you are buying the Ibera bag that uses the mounting mechanism offered by this rack. You can get something cheaper if you plan to Velcro a bag to the rack. I highly recommend this rack with the companion bag if the total cost of about $125 is a reasonable option.
Sandra Dyl –
Tom V. –
Es el primer rack que compro y quedé encantado, es ligero, resistente y fácil de montar, lo ocupo para llevar mi mochila de mi casa a la escuela y viceversa. Cabe señalar que si tu bicicleta no trae los orificios en el cuadro para montarlo, tendrás que ingeniártelas para hacerlo; en mi caso, compré una abrazadera de aluminio para fijarlo al tubo del asiento (aquí mismo en Amazon la adquirí, marca Vincita). Respecto al espacio con las salpicaderas, para nada quedan justas y las monte después de haber colocado el rack. Por lo que vi, los topeak son “mejores”, pero si llegará a necesitar otro, sin duda volvería a comprar este modelo.
Tom V. –
Deiotarus –
Znächst zum Fahrrad:
Ich besitze ein Cube Ltd. SL, Modell 2013, 29 Zoll, Scheibenbremsen.
Der Träger wurde innerhalb weniger Tage gut verpackt geliefert.
Anleitung, 4 Schrauben und Abstandshalter lagen bei. Anbau ist selbsterklärend und überraschend easy.
Die Qualität ist perfekt und diese hatte ich in der Form nicht erwartet. Alle Achtung.
Anbau an mein Rad erfolgte innerhalb von ca. 15 Minuten. Die Größe lässt sich von ca. 26″ bis 29″ über ein stabiles “Verstellstück” einstellen.
Nun muss ich mir allerdings eine Lösung für den Spritzschutz überlegen. Nur beim 29″ MTB (von 26″-28″ gibt es genug Platz) wird es für ausladende Spritzschutze ein wenig eng. Aber das wird.
Die Qualität des Trägers, die Stabilität, die Passgenauigkeit und die Optik ist in jedem Fall über jeden Zweifel erhaben.
P.S.: Mein Rad ist überwiegend matt schwarz, der Träger auch.
Deiotarus –
Abdiel –
Buscaba un portabultos para mi nueva bicicleta híbrida Riverside 500. Quería que sirviera tanto para llevar una bolsa casual en la que meter lo más imprescindible y necesario, como para el uso ocasional de alforjas. Descubrí esta que contaba con un gran número de valoraciones positivas y lo compré. Cuando me llegó, lo ví y lo instalé, entendí el porqué. El portabultos tiene un diseño muy bonito, bien acabado, es ligero pero de apariencia muy robusta, y el precio está bastante contenido para la calidad que tiene. Estéticamente queda muy bien. En mi caso y para la bici mencionada, comentar que hubiera valido tanto la versión No frenos de disco como la frenos de disco, ya que la pinza del freno va por el interior del triángulo del cuadro trasero y no estorba. Lo comento porque la versión frenos de disco tiene unos separadores para complementar las dos pulgadas que tiene de mayor anchura, y unos tornillos de anclaje más finos y largos sobre los que se apoya todo el peso del conjunto. No puedo dar datos de carga y fiabilidad, y en base a las muchas opiniones positivas, esto no debería ser un problema, pero me da más confianza el apoyo de la versión No frenos de disco: tornillos cortos y que sujetan las patillas directamente al chasis de la bicicleta. Resumiendo: excelente relación precio/calidad de este portabultos.
Abdiel –