- FULLY PROTECTED: 3D Molded VPD 2.0 back protector, shoulder, and elbow pads
- SAFETY FIRST: 3-ply conformable VPD 2.0 chest protector with an asymmetric zipper for optimal chest protection
- COMFORT IS KEY: Removable and flexible waistband to ensure a safe and comfortable fit
- DON’T BE AFRAID TO FALL: Crash retention strap (CRS) prevents elbow protector from sliding out of place and features elbow pads covered with a reinforced stretch fabric
- FIND YOUR FIT: Available in sizes XS-S, M, and L-XL
Phyer –
Jacket arrived without belt. Jacket has built in elbow pads. Do not pair with POC VPD 2.0 elbow pads. Now I need to cut off the jacket’s built in elbow pads and find a belt.
Phyer –
Joaquim Nunes –
Lite and strong, it deliver what it promess. Makes you feel confident and it’s not bulky at all!
Joaquim Nunes –
Ben –
I wanted something to protect me when I tumble on the hill and this jacket makes me feel a lot safer – warm too!
Ben –
autop –
belle armure
autop –
David –
If you’re going to keep yourself safe on the mountain bike downhill trails, this is what you need all over protection. Quite impressed of the build quality of this item original price was a bit pricey but it’s hard to put price on safety
David –
fb0252 –
Because they’re POC, 5 stars? Some serious flaws here imo with this expensive jacket, and several minor though constant annoyances. What part of body does one tend to fall on from height(?)–tuck shoulder, roll over onto lower shoulder and back. What does this protect–back and chest? Zero protection for ribs. Point of shoulder covered. Area below shoulder on which one tends to roll–uncovered. Padding is superior, and so the Q–why leave vital body parts on which one tends to land uncovered?
Zipper is sturdy although I had trouble with it almost from day one despite taking great care with it. Chest pad design needs work. It’s three layers–which is well and good since if all three are unnecessary you can remove one or two to lighten the load. However, the three chest layers shift constantly and fail to adhere against each other, and are also only loosely layered in their container. The chest pad container is left open (so pads may be removed) but when shirt is laying around the pads tend to fall out. I’ve lost one of the three already. A (lightweight) zipper to contain the pads would be helpful. The back pad seems superior in terms of protection but is heavy. Overall this product has some serious protective ability with the flaws mentioned. A bit bulky. Looks classy in the wearing. A bit heavy. They’ve got a way to go yet before they have an optimal product imo.
fb0252 –
Vincent –
J’ai bien reçu le colis, mais il masque ceinture de veste dans le colis.
Vincent –
Restoring My Home –
Greetings all,
This item was purchased last season when my husband and I were trying to advance on the slopes. His carving was tentative and mine was non-existent given our fear of falling. Once we brought this item, we have advanced to the blue-black level, full throttle, because simply stated, “if we fall, it ain’t going to hurt”. We took many falls while learning and now as we progress on the black diamonds, we are confident that any falls won’t hurt as much.
Restoring My Home –
David Pearson –
Bought this after a slow speed tree collision interrupted my ski season.
For skiing, this thing is great. The spine guard is large and reassuring and feels great on old ski lifts without back padding. It also adds a slight bit of warmth against the body. The only movement it limits is reaching straight up above the head. (The shoulder pads kind of dig into to your collarbone, but this is not really a common skiing movement.) I had one high speed crash skiing with this and was unscathed.
For biking it performs great as well. I’ve only ridden with it in cooler temps. I assume in hot temps it might be a bit sweaty. I had one head/shoulder first crash after a log hop gone awry and again was unscathed.
I also wear this on my motorcycle on warmer days. It has a very sturdy spine protector and makes my RevIt airwave jacket feel like a thin windbreaker.
I’m 5’8″ wear a 38Reg jacket and the Medium fits perfect.
The seller shipped on time and as described.
David Pearson –
Jennie Vavik –
The item arrived without the actual back protection, only the jacket was in the package. Then it was too late to send it back and get a refund.
Not very good.
Jennie Vavik –
Norman Schnalzger –
Super geschützt, Rücken, Schulter, Ellbogen und Brust. Der Panzer ist klasse und verleitet etwas zum schnell fahren. Verarbeitung ist top. Zu meiner Überraschung ist das Ding bequemer als gedacht. Trotz guter Belüftung, nun der Nachteil, ist das Teil beim Bergauffahren, was ich viel mache, schweißtreibend und sorgt bei warmen Temperaturen für Hitzestau, also ab in den Rucksack, der aber nicht zu klein sein sollte. Für Downhill-Lift-Biker optimal! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Norman
Norman Schnalzger –
Barry –
Purchased this a little bit late for the Australian snow season and only got to use this once. The pro’s are numerous and I wont go in to detail as they’re outlined above, but basically the fit, breathability and sizing and build quality are all superb.
My only issue is the rib/chest padding. Now this is built with ‘snowsports in mind’ but the pads all seem to be very focused on biking needs. The forearm and shoulder padding is off the charts thick, and after ramming my forearm and shoulder into the corner of doors/anything I can attest to their ability, but its the chest padding leaves a lot to be desired. Having broken 4 ribs on 2 occasions I purchased this hoping it would pad the vulnerable spot, but sadly all that was placed in the area were 3 thin, floppy pieces of POC. Applying less than half the force I gave for the forearm and shoulders I was in quite a bit of pain. Thinking this could just be my bad ribs I had my brother try it on with the same results.
I then went to my local shop and tried various other (non-POC) basic foam body armors and found through similar force that basic foam stands up much better to the hits.
Bear in mind this again is only a complaint about the chest, and the spine/forearm/shoulder protection is second to none.
I will continue to use this after I go down to a foam shop and get them to cut out a thick pad in the same shape to compliment the POC. Park/jibbing snow sports enthusiasts beware where, a fall on rail will still potentially break ribs with this armor.
Barry –
Grahams’ LLC –
About to buy my second one lasted almost three years of MTBing the rips in the mesh jersey attest to the level of protection. BE WARNED LIKE ANOTHER REVIEWER I HAVE BROKEN THREE RIBS on two occasions wearing this no side protection elbows and shoulders work fantastic have taken no hits to chest and my hydration pack sits in front of the spine protector but have fallen many times on back without hurting it. I have crashed without injury many times because of this jacket. It is warm until it gets wet from sweat then its fine up to about 85 degrees, I start to melt hotter than that but not really sure if I would do any better with a lighter shirt, because I wear this every time, after falling once on “easy flowy” trails, took over a year for the shoulder pain to go away. Armor can’t be removed from shoulder and elbows sewn in place. Wash in WINS sport wash works fantastically
Grahams’ LLC –