- Strong and Safe biodegradable formula that is safe for use with all plastic and rubber parts
- Made using orange peal and soy-based extracts – non-toxic
- Strong enough that you can dilute with water for less difficult cleaning jobs
- Low surface tension for thorough penetration into all areas
vintageveloboy –
I’ve always liked Finish Line Degreaser, but after switching to wax-based bike chain lube, I wasn’t sure what chain degreaser to chose to clean my gunked-up chain. I went back to this product after talking to a well-informed, patient representative from Finish Line Company, and I’m very pleased with the results. I keep switching to different well-tested new wax lubes, and I wanted to start using a new lube that shows great promise. Rather than removing my chains, I used this in conjunction with a pre-degreasing with three rounds of mineral spirits in a good chain cleaning tool, then this excellent product, followed by denatured alcohol to dry the chain and remove any residue. I’m quite happy with the results. I think this is an outstanding degreaser in my experience.
vintageveloboy –
Funciona perfecto con la maquina limpia cadenas de FinishLine deja la cadena completamente limpia sin esfuerzo, los 600ml son suficientes para una larga temporada si lo saben administrar correctamente.
Tiene olor a citrico sin ser molesto. Me gusto mucho el resultado, lo recomiendo ampliamente.
Andrea Braglia –
Acquistato per pulire la catena della bici dopo una estate di giri da polvere e sabbia.
versati alcuni ml in un contenitore e con uno spazzolino ho grattato la catena, lo sporco è venuto via molto facilmente e velocemente.
Occorre tenere sotto un panno o un tappeto per non macchiare.
inizialmente pensavo fosse spray l’erogatore, non trovando altri prodotti simili come quantità e prestazioni ho deciso di prenderlo anche se spray era molto sprecato per il fatto che si utilizzava molto prodotto e finiva da tutte le parti…con mio grande stupore quello che è arrivato era “con coperchio” nel senso che si doveva fisicamente versare, quindi utilizzando la giusta dose ogni volta, prolungando a oltranza la vita utile dell’oggetto.
Da abbinare ad un olio per catena secco o umido, perchè dopo la pulizia la catena è quasi come fuori fabbrica…e si rischia di danneggiarla usando senza olio…
Andrea Braglia –
Mauro –
lo consiglio
Mauro –
Amazon Customer –
This stuff just plain works. I highly recommend it because it is quick, easy, relatively inexpensive, and voraciously effective. I’m tossing out my Park Tool/Citrus Chain Bright kit for this.
I first used it on a chain that saw 200 miles of trails/commuting during three months of rain, snow, and mush. I shot a quick burst on every link, with a rag directly underneath, then rinsed the same way with a spray bottle of distilled water. The wash rag turned pitch black but the rinse rag absorbed hardly any grime. In the name of science I repeated the whole process. The second time around, there was literally nothing left: the second wash and rinse rags came out completely clean. Also, completely cleaned the cassette in about ten seconds, with zero scrubbing. No kidding, it takes longer to brush your teeth than to clean your chain with this stuff.
Due respect to the other reviewer, but the spray is fairly high-pressure and the spray angle is wide enough angle that you have to keep the nozzle and chain less than a centimeter apart. That is good because the force of the spray drives the fluid into nooks and crannies and blasts out liquefied gunk. That’s bad in that it seems to require an excessive amount fluid, meaning your rag will get soaked, you should wear gloves, and you should be careful about drips and errant spray). It might be better if this came with a straw to pinpoint the spray. But relative to the overall strengths, this is a very small complaint.
Amazon Customer –
Honest Reviewer –
This took the oil of my cassette and chain ring very easily. Good stuff. I used it full strength.
Honest Reviewer –
Scooby921 –
I don’t know if it’s better than any other citrus degreaser which might come at a lower price, but it does work and it works better than I expected it to. Obvious use is in Finish Line’s chain cleaner, but I also used a little bit on a rag to wipe down some other components which had built up a bit of grime after a summer of riding. I was surprised at how easily and how well it cleaned everything. I guess I expected this to be a watered down product so as to be more “friendly” to bike parts should someone use a bit too much and degreased things which should have stayed greased. Not so. It’s a very good, powerful degreaser. Use with caution around greased parts on a bike (idler gears, bearings, etc.). Otherwise, expect it to clean things up nicely.
Scooby921 –
S. Adams –
Grease comes right off! This is great product to quickly clean bike chains/gears.
S. Adams –
Dan –
I really like this product for cleaning my bike chain. I filled a spray bottle with the degreaser and that helped a lot with applying it to hard to reach places on my bike, such as the chains and cogs when I do not want to take apart the whole drivetrain. The scent is very nice and does not reek of chemicals. The cleaning action is great and works quickly. I was able to use this degreaser to also take off some really caked on rust on chains. Would buy again, and am very pleased with this purchase!
Dan –
happy grandma –
This product has a good scent. It is good for so many things and really works
happy grandma –
James –
This isn’t just an environmentally friendly degreaser. It works awesomely well for removing anything sticky, like after pulling old tape off of something and the sticky backing stays on. This stuff takes it off in minutes. It works as a solvent for many, many things. And I clean my hands off with it too, without worrying that I’m exposing myself to harmful chemicals. Nice orange scent to boot.
James –
Romero –
Prácticamente corta cualquier tipo de grasa o aceite, lo uso mas para limpiar objetos con grasa, aceite o cochambre que con otros productos anti grasa no pueden removerlos.
Romero –
Joshua J –
Works strong enough on my biodegradable lubricants for my bike. I water down mine when in use for scrubbing into the chain.
Joshua J –